Uniting Doers.

We prefer to put our passion into action and create opportunities to connect directly with those experiencing houselessness.

Serving the community is in our blood. Our projects include fundraisers, products, and events we've organized, as well as partner programs and events we support. All projects aim to lift the homeless up, make them feel valued in society and provide them with essentials to overcome their challenges.


From national to local events, we host and partner with fellow organizations to co-host events within the community that directly impact those experiencing houselessness.


Sometimes individual needs arise, such as the need for a suit for an interview, transportation, personal hygiene, and more. By signing up to be that hand up in someone's life as an "Angel", you will be placed on a special email list that will notify you when these needs arise and allow you to raise your hand to volunteer to help.


At YouAreLovd, we love working with other organizations, brands and individuals who share our passion for lifting up those experiencing houselessness. There are many ways to partner with us, including tapping into our volunteer network, co-hosting events, sharing your upcoming event, sharing your cause-related product, and more.


Throughout the year, we host many fundraisers to help raise funding for our organization. We don’t take pay and all fundraisers go directly into services for those experiencing houselessness. Our fundraisers range from products to events to accommodate a variety of interests.