
Product, Incubators, Blitz Rounds. We do it all to sustain our efforts.

Throughout the year, we host may fundraisers to help raise funding for our organization. We don’t take pay and all fundraisers go directly into services for those experiencing houselessness. Our fundraisers range from products to events to accommodate a variety of interests.


YouAreLovd Tees are available now for pre-order! All proceeds support our application for NFP Status!


Each year, RENNIE ORG assembles bags with winter essentials to deliver to the homeless community. These serve as our connection point and including a note of encouragement and love. Your donation directly funds the tote bags for the season.


We support and connect the homeless community with opportunities to re-invent who they are, rebuild essential needs for self-sufficiency and socialization, and connect with a supportive community - all while spreading the message that they are loved through the core tenets of what we believe. Your donation helps make it all possible.